Assertive Legal Representation for Disciplinary Hearings & Proceedings

Count on us if your establishment has come under the attention of government authorities. Some of the major violations that a licensee may be involved with include serving alcohol to a minor and/or intoxicating a person, disorderly premises, prostitution, gambling, and/or any assaults that may occur inside the licensed establishment or in and about. At Neil M Visoky Attorney at Law in Staten Island, New York, we provide experienced legal representation, just for you.


Legal Representation

Get the representation that you need for your business. We defend the licensee on any given occasion including during random business inspection by members either of the NYC fire department, firefighters, or the state liquor authority. Being served with a summons typically ends up going to the local court to adjudicate on a local level.

Any summons that was served by local police authorities are forwarded to the New York Liquor Authority where charges are drawn up and a notice of pleading is served, setting up all of the alleged violations. There are many different ways to plead and it's critical that there is an attorney there to explain to you which way of pleading will lead to the best possible results. Some of the penalties that the liquor authority will require a licensee to deal with might be a possible suspension, cancellation, possible revocation, and unless proven totally innocent, the violations will result in a large monetary fine.

New York City Police Department Nuisance Abatement Program

The New York City Police Department has closed down, per court order, thousands of commercial, retail, and residential dwellings under this program. Hiring attorneys like us is invaluable, as we know what remedies and agreements the city is looking for to get back into your business. We have personally dealt and settled hundreds of these cases while representing the city and New York City Police Department.

Contact us in Staten Island, New York, for legal representation you can count on.